Study Finds This Product Can Increase Breast Cancer Risk
A study from researchers at the National Institutes of Health linked a higher risk of breast cancer for women using permanent hair dye and chemical hair straightener. The risk is more than six times higher for black women.
The study in the International Journal of Cancer, followed 46,709 women and found that, overall, women who said they used permanent hair dye in the year before enrolling in the study were 9% more likely to develop breast cancer when compared with women who did not.
Permanent hair dye was associated with a 45% higher risk of breast cancer in black women and 7% higher in white women.
Black women who dyed their hair every five to eight weeks had a 60% higher risk for breast cancer.
Using a straightening product at least once every couple of months made it 30 percent more likely that a participant would develop breast cancer, regardless of whether they were white, African American, or Hispanic.
Hair products contain more than 5,000 chemicals, the authors write, and most of the dyes and straighteners did not "reliably document" ingredients on the label.
Hair products are amongst the many sources of potential endocrine disruptors and carcinogens in our environment.
The study doesn't pinpoint which of the chemicals caused the damage, but makes some suggestions: Some aromatic amines, chemicals also found in tobacco smoke and industrial byproducts, disrupt the endocrine system, and some dyes have been found to induce tumors in rats' mammary glands.
"We are exposed to many things that could potentially contribute to breast cancer, and it is unlikely that any single factor explains a woman's risk," says researcher Dale Sandler, chief of the NIEHS Epidemiology Branch.
So, if you are concerned about your personal breast cancer risk, it's always best to just talk to your doctor about it, and not worry too much about scary headlines..
So what are the alternatives?
"but let it be the inner beauty of the hidden person of the heart, with the imperishable quality and unfading charm of a gentle and peaceful spirit, [one that is calm and self-controlled, not overanxious, but serene and spiritually mature] which is very precious in the sight of God" - 1 Peter 3: 3- 4 [AMP version]
Today, look yourself in the mirror and embrace the person that is staring back at you. Embrace the gray strands, the fly away hairs and every kink and curl.
Never forget that every line, wrinkle and dimple on your body is a representation of your personal life journey and pilgrimage. Do not try to hide it, but embrace it. It may take a while but accepting and acknowledging who you truly are is the first step to acknowledging your own unique inner beauty. Take the time today to beautify the inward adorning of your soul and detox from all the social media videos that tell you external beauty is best. Invest in a gratitude journal and take time to engender a spirit of gratitude, cheerfulness and a holy, happy confidence in God, and submission to his providence. With this you will find true refreshment to the soul. Let the beauties in nature be a theme for your contemplation. In studying the natural loveliness surrounding us, the mind is carried up through nature to the author of all that is lovely. All the works of God are speaking to our senses, magnifying his power, exalting his wisdom.
Once you learn to love and accept yourself the world will be your oyster and you can truly begin to share with others that inner beauty that has been suppressed for so long. Feast on your life and begin to let every moment of your life count. Give to others with no expectation of reward. Remember, you cannot share with others what you do not know yourself. Today take as your personal message "I am loved, I am special, I am unique, there is no one on this planet as loved as me right now. I am the apple of Gods eye. I am fearfully and wonderfully made" ( modified version of Psalms 139) .
Have a wonderful Monday and blessed start to your week (p.s Nature is God's Physician).
This research was published in the International Journal of Cancer
Compliments from Functional Medicine University.
The information on this website is not intended to replace a one-on-one relationship with a qualified health care professional and is not intended as medical advice. It is intended as a sharing of knowledge and information . We encourage you to make your own health care decisions based upon your research and in partnership with a qualified health care professional.